26 September 2018

Energy fireplaces frangos certificates

How can we judge the quality of a fireplace or a stove?

If you're in the process of doing a market research to get a modern fireplace that meets your needs, then you might have noticed that many products are being marketed on a large scale of prices that often all come in a big category, of the energy fireplaces. Thus, it is reasonable to ask questions, as within this product range, it is not easy to distinguish which products are really qualitative and what features the buyer should take into account.

In an area where product specifications cannot be easily controlled by the consumer, the most promising way to judge the quality and efficiency of a product is to check the certifications that accompany it. 

What are the certifications in the fireplaces?

In the fireplace market you will often come across products that either do not have any certification or have some rudimentary certifications from low-grade sources. Other times you will get products whose guarantees are not factory ones, but they look more like resellers' promises, full of exceptions and fine print.

To ensure that your new fireplace or your new stove will work properly and efficiently for a long time, it is important that you choose a product of proven quality, specific specifications, and which will be accompanied by a factory guarantee of a serious group with a good name and long-term presence in the space.

For our part, as Frangos Group we work with the most important manufacturers in the field of the modern fireplace so that we can provide the public with reliable, efficient, and guaranteed products.

The fireplaces you find in our range carry the most European market certifications, from well-known European Institutes such as DIN +, FLAMMETRE, BBC, EKO label, A, and are harmonized with the European Directive EN 13229. It is no coincidence that they are accompanied from the longest factory warranties on the market, up to 12 years, with no exceptions to the basic product and fine print. So you are enjoying the products of the Frangos Group for a long time without worrying about the efficiency, support and warranty that accompanies them.

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